The Website of the Network
Forum of the discussion
President Geert J.M. Corstens
With a view especially to improving the Network’s online activities, a working group had been set up, at the initiative of President Corstens, following the Board meeting held in The Hague in May 2012 to encourage consultation of the Network’s new website. The IT working group had submitted its report at the Board meeting in Helsinki on 5 September 2013 and the report had been adopted. A discussion forum had been put in place in 2013 for the sole use of the Presidents of the Supreme Courts and another for the judges of those courts.
The work and studies undertaken by the Network were available on the Network’s intranet or internet sites. This Newsletter describes the features implemented.
The Website of the Network
The website of the Network ( gives access in several languages to information about the Supreme Judicial Courts of the European Union, their decisions (and advices) as well as reports and conclusions produced during the colloquiums of the Network.
The development of the website has been driven by the Network’s objectives laid down in its Articles of Association:
• “to promote exchanges of views and experience on matters concerning the case law, organisation and functioning of the Supreme Judicial Courts of the European Union in the performance of their judicial and/or advisory functions, particularly with regard to Community Law and, as the case may be, with the ‘parquets’ or ‘ministers publics’ of these Courts”
• “[to] promote contacts and exchanges of information between its members or observers and with the European Union Authorities by providing the latter with the opportunity to consult with its members on all questions regarding the harmonisation of substantive and adjective law”.
• “[to] initiate or promote the publication, the dissemination and the translation of studies falling within its terms of reference”.
•“every second year, or at intervals to be established by the General Assembly, (…) [to] organise a colloquium to consider matters falling within its terms of reference”.
Main page of the website
The website contains three parts:
· Public section
· Intranet for the members of the Network (accessible by login and password)
· Intranet for the Judges of the Supreme Judicial Courts (accessible by login and password).
President’s Intranet
Judges’ Intranet
If you are a Judge of the Supreme Judicial Court and would like to have access to the Judges’ Intranet, please contact, only by email, secretariat of the network (
or )
for the login and password.
Each Intranet contains a forum of discussion for its members.
Forum of the discussion
A forum of discussion is an online discussion site where users can hold conversations through posted messages.
Two forums are available on the intranet of the website.
The first one is for the Presidents of the Supreme Judicial Courts
Presidents can access both forums.
Presidents’ forum
The second one is for the Judges of the Supreme Judicial Courts.
Judges’ forum
A notification email is sent to the Presidents and, as the case may be, to the Judges when a new topic is created or when new comments are posted on a forum.
Currently two topics are available on the Judges and Presidents forums:
· Criminal law
· Civil law.
The new topics can be created by users completing a form which is accessible with the link “Add new forum topic”
Criminal Law topic page
A new comment can be created by using the “Add new comment” form at the end of a topic page and then save.
“Add new comment” form