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The Network

Presentation of the Network

The Presidents of the Supreme Judicial Courts of the Member States of the European Union decided to form an Association whose Constituent Assembly was held on 10 March 2004 at the French Cour de cassation with the financial support of the European Commission.

The Network is composed of the Presidents of the Supreme Courts of the 27 Member States. In addition, Presidents of the Supreme Courts of Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and the United Kingdom have been admitted as Associate Members and Presidents of the Supreme Courts of Albania, Montenegro, Ukraine and Serbia as Observers. 

The Network brings together the Supreme Courts of 35 countries by encouraging discussion and the exchange of ideas. In addition, the Network provides a forum through which European institutions are given an opportunity to request the opinions of Supreme Courts.  

The members of the Network gather regularly to discuss matters of common interest. The Presidents of the Court of Justice of the European Union and the European Court of Human Rights are also invited to participate in the events of the Network. 

The Network has, with the financial support of the European Commission, developed the Common Portal of Case Law  a search engine publicly available on the website of the Network that enables case law searches on national case law databases. 

The Board :


Mr Anders Eka, President of the Supreme Court of Sweden

Members of the Board

Ms Katerina Stamatiou, President of the Supreme Court of Cyprus, 
Mr Petr Angyalossy, President of the Supreme Court of the Czech Republic, 
Mr Villu Kõve, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Estonia, 
Mr Christophe Soulard, First President of the French Cour de cassation
Ms Bettina Limperg, President of the Federal Court of Justice of Germany,
Mr Donal O’Donnell, Chief Justice of Ireland, 
Ms Margherita Cassano, First President of the Supreme Court of Italy, 
Ms Dineke de Groot, President of the Supreme Court of the Netherlands, 
Mr Ján Šikuta, President of the Supreme Court of Slovakia, 
Mr Miodrag Đorđević, President of the Supreme Court of Slovenia (Treasurer). 


Mr Dominique Hascher, Judge of the French Cour de cassation